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How to uninstall apps from Android 10?

How to uninstall apps from Android 10?

abdul aziz 948 03-Jan-2020

Have you purchased a new smartphone or tablet with the latest version of Android 10? Maybe it's your first mobile device with this operating system and you gave yourself to crazy joy by downloading and installing all the Apps that inspired you to try them from the Play Store. Now you want to eliminate them, but .. surprise! There is no recycle bin as in PCs and dragging the icon on "remove" the Android Application still remains there!

Actually it may seem trivial, but as intuitive and simple to use as Android 10, removing an app takes a few steps. Let's see how to do it, with the help of some screenshots:

  • First, we touch the lower right corner of the device (where the time and battery level are indicated);
  • In the window that will open we choose "settings";
  • We go to the item "memory";
  • We select "applications" and as you can see the complete list of installed apps will be displayed. Also included are the ones that cannot be deleted. Then move left on "download" and select the app you want to delete;
  • The application information screen will open, select "uninstall";
  • Give ok and you will have completed the uninstallation!

That's all! As you can see it is a simple but not intuitive operation as it should be. We hope to have been helpful and if you need please leave a comment or contact us via Facebook and Twitter!

Hello Everyone This Side Abdul Aziz.

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